Bat Houses

Many bats are protected and are essential to the environment. Bats are a vital part of our eco-system acting as a natural pesticide eating up to 1,600 insects (including mosquitoes) as part of their nightly diet. Bats, although they can make a big mess in your home or business, are extremely valuableThis is why we recommend bat houses as a great option to provide a suitable roost for them to live.

Bats are wild animals and we cannot control where they go however, when bat houses are properly constructed and installed it has proved effective in helping bats relocate.  Bat houses have had great success in many locations and we feel they would be beneficial in your area as well!


Bat Houses are the best!

- These bat houses have been made and designed in order to promote occupancy rates.

- They are built with the highest quality of cedar.

- The interior chamber surfaces and long landing platform are fitted with polyethylene mesh to aid in maneuverability. Bat houses with only grooved wood inside do not adequately allow for baby bats to grip.

- The slanted roof and fully caulked sides offer warmer temperatures and prevent the bat house from rain and chill.

- These bat houses come with the predrilled hold on the top and bottom to make mounting to a vertical surface nice and easy.

- This design Bat houses have a greater than 80% occupancy rate, as compared to only 10% with other designs.

For Your Consideration

Bats that may occupy these houses:

Big Brown, Cave, Eastern Pipistrelle, Evening, Little Brown, Mexican Free-Tailed, Northern Long-eared, Pallid, Pallas' mastiff, Rafinesque Big-eared, Southeastern, and Yuma bats

*Please note: Bats will not occupy all houses. If they are not constructed properly they will not be used. We cannot guarantee bats will occupy them, it can take months or years for them to be used. Bats are wild animals and we cannot control where they end up. However, bat houses are a great way in giving bats an option to relocate to a different structure.

Here are some reasons why bats will not use a bat house:

~ How the bat house was constructed – cedar is best. Do not use pressure treated wood.
~ Direct Light - Bat houses should not be near bright lights.
~ Not protected from predators – installed in a bad location where predators can get them.
~ Uninvited guests – Such as bees or wasps (never spray your box with pesticides – they will not use them)
~ Mounting – Not being installed properly; bat houses need to be installed in the proper direction giving their homes enough sunlight to keep their roosts warm. Houses that are mounted on trees or metal siding are rarely used. They must be mounted at least 12’ feet above ground, 15-20’ feet is better.
~ Habitat – preferably near water, within ¼ mile.
~ Poles – Must be pressure treated.
~ Hanging - No grip for bats when they land.